Family Law Court Support UK

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Family Law Court Support UK

We are an affordable and alternative solution to legal support in all aspects of family law in England and Wales.

We Specialise in Family Law


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Guiding You Through Family Legal Matters.

Family mediation has been a mandatory consideration for all who are considering applying to family court. It is a mandatory consideration when applying for financial orders too unless a valid exemption applies. 

We are not registered family mediators but we can help you identify if mediation is needed, if any exemption applies, and signpost you towards a network of qualified mediators. 

There are several applications that form part of “section 8”, that is section 8 of the children’s act 1989. 

These can include applying to court for an order to see your child, enforcing a previous order that is not being followed, asking the court to prevent a person carrying out a specific act such as removing a child from the country without consent or asking a court to prevent a move far way, and asking the court to resolve a specific issue such as choosing a child’s school. 

Applications to family court should always be your last resort. But if you need to make one we can support you from the very beginning until the end. 

Support and guidance through divorce proceedings and financial remedy applications.

Expertise in both applying for and defending Non-Molestation orders for client protection.

Assistance in enforcing court orders related to child arrangements and financial remedies.

Professional assistance in crafting effective position statements and witness statements.

Guidance and support for effective cross-examination strategies in family court proceedings.

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(+44) 7751 500 164

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Your Trusted Partners in Navigating Family Court – Reach Out for Expert Guidance and Support.