Democratizing Legal Support: McKenzie Friends as Cost-Effective Alternatives

In an era where access to justice is increasingly recognized as a fundamental human right, the escalating costs of legal representation pose a significant barrier for many. This financial barrier not only impedes the pursuit of legal remedies but also undermines the principles of fairness and equality before the law. In response to this growing […]

Where it all started ..

McKenzie v. McKenzie was a divorce case in England. Levine McKenzie, who was petitioning for divorce, had been legally aided but the legal aid had been withdrawn before the case went to court.  Unable to fund legal representation, McKenzie had broken off contact with his solicitors, Geoffrey Gordon & Co.. However, one day before the hearing, Geoffrey Gordon & Co. sent the […]

Applications under the Children’s Act

When parents separate and there are children involved they can often find themselves isolated and cut-off from them. In most cases the first step in resolving disputes over children is family mediation. The court require parents to consider mediation as a first step. Mediation is not always suitable, and you can find a list of […]

The Legal Ins and Outs of Divorce in the UK

Introduction: Embarking on the journey of divorce is a significant life decision accompanied by various legal complexities. Understanding the legal process is crucial for a smoother transition. In this blog post, we’ll explore the key legal aspects of divorce in the UK, providing insights into the steps involved and essential considerations for those navigating the […]

Navigating Child Custody: A Guide for Parents in the UK

Introduction: Divorce or separation is never an easy process, especially when children are involved. In the UK, child custody arrangements play a crucial role in ensuring the well-being and happiness of the children during and after the dissolution of a relationship. In this blog post, we’ll explore key aspects of child custody, offer insights into […]